
Rosalind mcallister biography wikipedia
Rosalind mcallister biography wikipedia

rosalind mcallister biography wikipedia

This research has delivered an overall perspective and the supporting materials to enable this long running substantial Festival to be seen in a clearer light (Wigan 2017). It is surprising that such a large body of work had slipped almost out of visibility. MIFOH and its successors contributed forty years of performance and teaching to Melbourne and left a major legacy to many people.

rosalind mcallister biography wikipedia rosalind mcallister biography wikipedia

Organ and Harpsichord, choral and modern composition, and early music all benefited. The evolution of MIFOH matched the evolution of the absorption and professionalization of early music in Melbourne, and to further a critical mass of performers who went on to teach new generations. This task is complicated by almost all now being classified as Orphan Works.

rosalind mcallister biography wikipedia

There are substantial Intellectual Property barriers to assembling such large collections of original historic performances, if they are to become accessible through an Open Music Repository. It covers the requirements for the creation of a digital archive to house the material recovered from magnetic media from the 1970’s onwards, and the recovery of analog media. The present thesis is both an examination of this largely lost legacy to musical Melbourne and Australia, and also a work of eScholarship on the substantial physical and digital music lost prior to this work. It fulfilled for many a complete arc from enabling students to perform and attend master classes with major international figures in a collegiate mode to becoming the pre- eminent Australian early music festival. It hosted ~1000 different performers at all stages of their careers. MIFOH is used as shorthand term covering the whole period including the names: Melbourne Autumn Festival of Organ and Harpsichord, Melbourne Autumn Festival and finally Spring Autumn Early Music Festival. The Melbourne Festival of Organ and Harpsichord (MIFOH) and its successors ran from 1971 to 2010 under various other names.

Rosalind mcallister biography wikipedia